My Mini Projects

Professional Projects

Lion Parcel
Frontend Lead in Gammatechno - Sidig

Introduce about

I am a self-taught programmer with a longstanding presence in the Blogger community since 2011. Transitioning into my professional career as a Frontend Engineer in 2020, I have actively contributed to several enterprise projects, including SaaS and PaaS developments. Renowned within my team for being a fast learner, top performer, and adept problem solver, I constantly seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and experience. Beyond my work commitments, I find joy in giving back to the community by contributing on StackOverflow, engaging in social media groups, and contributing to open-source projects.I am always open to new challenges and opportunities to gain knowledge and experience.

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service offers

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Web developing

Develop website with MERN or MEVN stack

Android & IOS APP

Creating simple Android & IOS APP using React Native

Electronics IOT

Able to create electronic tools with IOT controls